Washing plants for road sweeping waste

washing plants for road sweeping waste
and for the recovery of sand and gravel

During street cleaning operations carried out by municipal companies, sweepers daily collect large quantities of polluting waste that require specific treatment.

This process is essential to minimise the amount of material going to landfill and, at the same time, recover all waste fractions that can be valorised as useful resources.

From our streets a resource to be valorised

Our plants for the recovery of sand and gravel from street trash are designed and manufactured to guarantee high quality products.

The extremely reduced environmental impact produced by soil-washing meets compliance and safety standards for most authorities who are responsible for operating concessions.

The innovative technology of our plants, which has been extensively documented and tried and tested, allows for excellent economical operation.

The fully recyclable products obtained after the washing and sorting process, to be considered as a valuable alternative resource to reduce the need for new quarries and landfills, are as follows:

Plant composition

The main sections that make up street sweeping systems are:

Economic-environmental advantages

Contributi percepiti

Gli altri aiuti di Stato e gli aiuti de minimis ricevuti dalla nostra impresa sono contenuti nel Registro nazionale degli aiuti di Stato di cui all’art. 52 della L.234/2012” e consultabili a questo link, inserendo come chiave di ricerca nel campo CODICE FISCALE il codice fiscale dell’azienda, e/o inseriti nella Nota Integrativa allegata al Bilancio pubblicato sul Registro delle Imprese.

5 – 8 NOVEMBRE 2024